Productivity and time management for the overwhelmed online curso

Time management is a skill, which means it can be taught, learned, practiced, and refined. As with any skill, it takes effort to improve, especially because getting better at time management often requires learning new behaviors. However, the effort is well worth it because when your time is managed well, you can be more productive and perform at a higher level. Work on these five time management habits to create the space you need to complete more work in a day.

1. Make a schedule and stick to it

Most people use a work calendar to schedule meetings and events. However, you can also use it to block out time to work on tasks. In addition to prompting you to do the work in a given time frame, this lets others know when you don’t want to be disturbed, which can cut down on distractions that reduce productivity. Scheduling tasks also gives you the freedom to silence your phone and close your email app because your time is clearly blocked off as busy.

To get the most from this habit, schedule your tasks around the times that you tend to be most productive. Be sure to start each day by looking at your schedule, not by jumping on the first task somebody asks you about.

2. Set clear expectations and deadlines

When you schedule tasks, it becomes much easier for you to let others know when they can expect the work to be completed. Setting deadlines for every task is a great way to ensure that items don’t consistently fall to the bottom of your list. Although it is important to prioritize, consistently ignoring non-urgent tasks is a surefire way to create unnecessary stress for yourself in the future. It’s common for people to naturally gravitate toward working on the tasks that were most recently assigned, but this isn’t always the best approach.

If you are a manager, set clear expectations around deadlines and work with your employees to help them prioritize tasks. When assigning tasks, let employees know when you expect the work to be done and how long a particular task usually takes so they can better manage their time.

3. Break down large tasks into smaller steps

If a to-do list is made up of large, multi-step tasks or entire projects, it can feel overwhelming to even the most experienced professional. Breaking up large tasks into smaller steps makes it more manageable and allows you to feel like you are steadily moving forward as you check items off your list.

If there is a task on your list that you always skip over because it just feels too big, take a few minutes to break it down into smaller chunks that you know you can tackle. At the other end of the spectrum, don’t allow yourself to stretch out small tasks to take up more time. If something should take just 15 minutes, do it within the allotted time frame and then move on.

4. Take breaks

Build breaks into your schedule. Actually put them on the calendar so you’re prompted to take a time-out during the course of the day. It’s also important to recognize when you need a break, whether it’s scheduled or not. Taking a short break—even just 10 minutes—allows you to return to your work feeling refreshed and more focused.

It can be difficult for employees to feel comfortable taking breaks, especially in a work culture that values busyness. However, being busy is not the same as being productive. Taking frequent short breaks can actually boost productivity and allow you to get more done in your day.

5. Make lists and prioritize tasks

Whether you prefer to use an app or stick with pen and paper, lists are an excellent visual reminder of what you need to get done and which tasks you should prioritize. Using multiple lists for different projects or personal tasks makes it easier to shift gears and focus on the immediate tasks at hand.

Remember that lists only work when you actually use them. It’s not enough to write a list and then never reference it. Keep your lists visible throughout the day so you can cross off tasks that have been completed and be reminded about what to focus on next. The more specific your tasks are, the more likely you will be to address them, so use clear action words to prompt the appropriate activity.

Everybody has different systems for time management, and there is nothing wrong with that as long as they are effective. When considering your own time management behaviors, ask yourself whether they increase productivity. If not, use the five tips above or think of your own ways to adapt your time management practices so you will have more dedicated time to get work done. Read more practical tips in our 8-Step Guide to Time Management & Productivity.

Hanoi is originally from Spain but has worked across more than 20 countries and lived in five throughout her career. After finishing her studies in Business Administration at UAM Madrid, she completed an innovation program at Duke University (USA) in partnership with Google, as well as studying at INSEAD (France) and Singularity University (USA). During her 12 years working at Google, she assumed various senior management positions with a focus on marketing, digital transformation, and innovation-based roles across Europe, the USA, and Latin America, with projects in Southeast Asia. She has also worked for KPMG, and IBM, and is currently a Shark in the TV program Shark Tank Colombia.

Hanoi has been investing in various companies for years and is a partner of LA7EM in Latin America and Gate93 in Silicon Valley. As a global speaker, she focuses on exponential technologies and their impact on organizations, digital and cultural transformation, and diversity and inclusion. She has written two books including the best-selling Start with Culture and is a regular columnist for various publications.

How do you manage overwhelmed time?

Time management tips.
Let it out. ... .
Try the one-day rule. ... .
Don't multitask. ... .
Make yourself un-interruptible. ... .
Make a 10-minute list. ... .
Make a won't-do list. ... .
Have a “Tidy Friday” ... .
Keep it real..

What is productivity and time management?

Time management is a skill (which can be learned, practiced, and honed) that contributes to better productivity. Practicing good time management gives you the space you need in your day to complete work. Productivity is the measure of how much work has been completed in a period of time.

What are the 4 P's of time management?

As marketing strategies are guided by the four Ps: Product, Price, Place and Promotion; time management answers to four 'W's: What, When, How and Who. As professionals, we have a range of responsibilities.

What are the 5 time management strategies?

5 Tips to Better Your Time Management.
Set reminders for all your tasks..
Create a daily planner..
Give each task a time limit..
Block out distractions..
Establish routine..