Reviewing version history is an effective way to view a changelog in sql

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Verify and report on your cleaning results



Cleaning your data is an essential step in the data analysis process. Verifying and reporting your cleaning is a way to show that your data is ready for the next step. In this part of the course, you’ll find out the processes involved with verifying and reporting data cleaning as well as their benefits.

Learning Objectives

  • Describe the process involved in verifying the results of cleaning data
  • Describe what is involved in manually cleaning data
  • Discuss the elements and importance of data-cleaning reports
  • Describe the benefits of documenting data cleaning process

Test your knowledge on manual data cleaning

1. Making sure data is properly verified is an important part of the data-cleaning process. Which of the following tasks are involved in this verification? Select all that apply.

  • Considering whether the data is credible and appropriate for the project (Correct)
  • Manually fixing any errors found in the data (Correct)
  • Rechecking the data-cleaning effort (Correct)
  • Asking stakeholders to check and confirm the data is clean

Correct: The verification process confirms that data cleaning was well executed and the resulting data is accurate and reliable. To verify data, analysts recheck the data-cleaning effort, manually fix errors, and consider whether the data is credible and appropriate for the project.

2. Fill in the blank: To count the total number of spreadsheet values within a specified range, a data analyst uses the _____ function.

  • COUNTA (Correct)
  • SUM

Correct: To count the total number of spreadsheet values within a specified range, a data analyst uses the COUNTA function.

3. A data analyst is cleaning a dataset with inconsistent formats and repeated cases. They use the TRIM function to remove extra spaces from string variables. What other tools can they use for data cleaning? Select all that apply.

  • Import data
  • Remove duplicates (Correct)
  • Protect sheet
  • Find and replace (Correct)

Correct: The analyst can use TRIM, remove duplicates, and find and replace for data cleaning.

4. To correct a typo in a database column, where should you insert a CASE statement in a query?

  • As an ORDER BY clause
  • As a GROUP BY clause
  • As a SELECT clause (Correct)
  • As a FROM clause

Correct: You should add a CASE statement as a SELECT clause. A CASE statement goes through one or more conditions and returns a value as soon as a condition is met. The typo would be a condition and the correction would be the returned value for the condition.

Test your knowledge on documenting the cleaning process

1. Why is it important for a data analyst to document the evolution of a dataset? Select all that apply.

  • To determine the quality of the data (Correct)
  • To identify best practices in the collection of data
  • To inform other users of changes (Correct)
  • To recover data-cleaning errors (Correct)

Correct: It is important to document the evolution of a dataset in order to recover data-cleaning errors, inform other users of changes, and determine the quality of the data.

2. Fill in the blank: While cleaning data, documentation is used to track _____. Select all that apply.

  • deletions (Correct)
  • errors (Correct)
  • bias
  • changes (Correct)

Correct: While cleaning data, documentation is used to track changes, deletions, and errors.

3. Documenting data-cleaning makes it possible to achieve what goals? Select all that apply.

  • Demonstrate to project stakeholders that you are accountable (Correct)
  • Visualize the results of your data analysis
  • Be transparent about your process (Correct)
  • Keep team members on the same page (Correct)

Correct: Documenting data-cleaning makes it possible to be transparent about your process, keep team members on the same page, and demonstrate to project stakeholders that you are accountable.

*Weekly Challenge 4*

1. The data collected for an analysis project has just been cleaned. What are the next steps for a data analyst? Select all that apply.

  • Certification
  • Reporting (Correct)
  • Verification (Correct)
  • Validation

Correct: Verification and reporting are the next steps for a data analyst after the data is cleaned.

2. What is the first step in the verification process?

  • Compare cleaned data with the original, uncleaned dataset and compare it to what is there now (Correct)
  • Create a chronological list of modifications made to the data
  • Determine the quality of the data
  • Inform others of your data-cleaning effort

Correct: The first step in the verification process is to compare cleaned data with the original, uncleaned dataset and compare it to what is there now.

3. Fill in the blank: TRIM is a function that removes _____ spaces in data. Select all that apply.

  • Trailing (Correct)
  • Leading (Correct)
  • repeated (Correct)
  • inner

Correct: TRIM is a function that removes leading, trailing, and repeated spaces in data.

4. While verifying cleaned data, a data analyst encounters a misspelled name. Which function can they use to determine if the error is repeated throughout the dataset?

  • COUNTA (Correct)
  • CASE

Correct: To determine if the error is repeated throughout the dataset, they can use COUNTA.

5. A WHEN statement considers one or more conditions and returns a value as soon as that condition is met.

  • True
  • False (Correct)

Correct: A CASE statement considers one or more conditions and returns a value as soon as that condition is met.

6. Fill in the blank: Documentation is the process of tracking _____ during data cleaning. Select all that apply.

  • inactivity
  • deletions (Correct)
  • changes (Correct)
  • additions (Correct)

Correct: Documentation is the process of tracking changes, additions, deletions, and errors during data cleaning.

7. Fill in the blank: While cleaning data, a data analyst can use a changelog to keep a chronological list of changes they make. They can refer to it during the _____ period if there are errors or questions.

  • verification (Correct)
  • visualization
  • presenting
  • documentation

Correct: While cleaning data, a data analyst can use a changelog to keep a chronological list of changes they make. They can refer to it during the verification period if there are errors or questions.

8. Reviewing version history is an effective way to view a changelog in SQL.

  • True
  • False (Correct)

Correct: Reviewing version history is an effective way to view a changelog in spreadsheets.