7 step sourcing process

7 step sourcing process

By using the following process, procurement professionals can successfully source or renegotiate contracts. Following the process results in optimal negotiations because the information has been gathered and analyzed and the organization has a firm base from which to conduct negotiations with suppliers. The 7-step process has been tested and proven effective for sourcing different products and services. The final result may be seen in savings, greater added value from the suppliers, and time saved on a previously time-consuming processes.

7 step sourcing process

7 step sourcing process

Sourcing is a core step toward profitability, but because companies come in all shapes and sizes, it can be challenging to determine a sourcing process that works for all companies.

Most companies follow the 7-step sourcing process defined by A. T. Kearney. Since 2001, the 7-Step Strategic Sourcing Process has stood the test of time and has become the gold standard for sourcing.

By following these 7 steps to an effective sourcing process, you will be able to develop a strategy that best fits your business needs.

What Is Strategic Sourcing?

Strategic sourcing is the process of developing channels of supply at the lowest total cost, not just the lowest purchase price. It expands upon traditional organizational purchasing activities to embrace all activities within the procurement cycle, from specification to receipt, and payment for goods and services to sourcing production lines where the labor market would increase firms’ ROI. Strategic sourcing processes aim for continuous improvement and re-evaluation of the purchasing activities of an organization.

What Is the 7-Step Strategic Sourcing Process?

Step 1: Understand the spend category

7 step sourcing process

Before planning anything else, be sure to clearly define the purchasing categories and products. Who are the end customers for these goods and services? Where are they located and what are the logistics used? Who else is included in the supply chain? Visibility of spend is key to understanding the category and the commodities within it, and the information should be stored, categorized, analyzed, and ultimately validated.

Step 2: Research the supply market

7 step sourcing process

When implementing a strategic sourcing plan, an analysis of the potential supplier market allows you to obtain the best value for money when it comes to the price of goods and services, raw materials, drivers, transportation, and fuel costs.

A thorough analysis of your current and potential suppliers, supplier revenue, or market share can be used to assess the supplier’s market position and industry performance, and suppliers with a large market share can allow you to mitigate the risk to the market.

Step 3: Develop a sourcing strategy

7 step sourcing process

Deciding where and how to buy while minimizing risk and cost can be a challenge. In order to be able to work with the most appropriate suppliers, you should consider both the suppliers you currently work with and potential suppliers. The sourcing strategy you create should be aligned with the requirements and goals of your business as well as your capabilities and resources. Establish a

A cross-functional sourcing team that includes stakeholders, subject matter experts, and end customers.

Step 4: Select an appropriate sourcing process

7 step sourcing process

Time to solicit bids! The most common method that many businesses are using is Request for Proposal (RFP). 

If you’re not familiar with the term, RFP is a document that solicits proposals, which is often used through a bidding process, written by an organization interested in acquiring a product or service from vendors for their project. The document outlines the details of product or service specifications, requirements, pricing breakdown, legal and financial terms and conditions, and evaluation criteria.

Step 5: Negotiate with suppliers

7 step sourcing process

The process of selecting potential suppliers includes talking to different suppliers and negotiating with shortlisted suppliers in multiple rounds of meetings. The selection of suppliers should be based on pre-agreed criteria, and the drafted contract should be read and signed by both parties.

Step 6: Implement and integrate

7 step sourcing process

Communicating with suppliers is an integral part of strategic sourcing. At the end of the negotiations, you may decide which suppliers you want to work with. The more complex your product, the more closely you should liaise with your suppliers. It is vital that suppliers should also attend company meetings to ensure they are aware of the latest changes and updates.

Step 7: Benchmarking

7 step sourcing process

Benchmarking is the last of the 7 steps of strategic sourcing, and many underestimate this step, and skipping it is a huge mistake. It is critical to measure supplier performance over time – starting with the current state of the benchmarked product and continuously monitoring results to ensure goals are met. By doing so, you can quickly identify a problem during implementation and notify your vendor to address it as quickly as possible.


In this day and age, strategic sourcing is an integral part of all companies. The 7-step sourcing process plays an important role in helping companies achieve their business goals, and strategic sourcing not only keeps companies competitive but also closely connected to the market.

Want to learn more?

What are the seven 7 Steps in Strategic Sourcing?

Understanding The Famous 7 Step Strategic Sourcing Process.
Step 1: Profile The Category. ... .
Step 2: Supply Market Analysis. ... .
Step 3: Develop a Strategic Sourcing Strategy. ... .
Step 4: Select The Strategic Sourcing Process. ... .
Step 5: Negotiate with and Select Suppliers. ... .
Step 6: Implementation and Integration. ... .
Step 7: Benchmarking..

What are the steps in sourcing process?

6 Step Strategic Sourcing Process.
Analyse Your Internal Needs And The Market. ... .
Identify Potential Suppliers. ... .
Develop A Strategic Sourcing Strategy. ... .
Negotiate With Suppliers. ... .
Implement The Strategy. ... .
Review Performance And Implement Continuous Improvement..

What is the final 7th step in the strategic sourcing process?

Step Seven: Benchmarking Benchmarking is the final step in the 7 step strategic sourcing process and involves ensuring that the vendor meets the specifications set out in the contract. Companies must implement full monitoring of purchases and delivery to ensure there are no lost savings or overspending.

What are the 6 sourcing strategies?

Six essential steps towards a successful sourcing strategy.
Spend analysis. ... .
Supplier market share analysis. ... .
Supplier-spend share analysis. ... .
Procurement organization's demand. ... .
Category risk analysis. ... .
Vendor qualification..